أدعية وأذكار مشاري العفاسي

by AD.apps

Music & Audio


The Almighty said in the Court of His Noble Book: “Call upon Me, I will respond to you.” Believe in Almighty God, as God has made supplication for us a blessing from His bounty. Audio clips of supplications between one and the other on your phone, as there are supplications for the dead, as well as for Friday nights, exams, the time of rain and dawn, the guidance of the husband, and the healing of the sick. We were also keen to design the Mashary Al-Afasy supplications and remembrances application in a way that suits ease of use, download the Mashary Al-Afasy supplications and remembrances application now, and we wish you a successful use.The Almighty said in the Court of His Noble Book: “Call upon Me, I will respond to you.” God Almighty has spoken the truth, as God has made Dua for us a blessing from His bounty. Audio clips of Dua between one and the other on your phone, as there are Dua for the dead, as well as for Friday night, exams, the time of rain and dawn, the guidance of the husband, and the healing of the sick. Also on the design of the Dua and Adhkar Mashary Al-Afasy application in a way that suits ease of use, download the Dua and Adhkar Mashary Al-Afasy application now, and we wish you a successful use.Dijo el Todopoderoso en la Corte de Su Noble Libro: “Llámame, te responderé.” Dios Todopoderoso ha dicho la verdad, ya que Dios ha hecho de Dua para nosotros una bendición de Su generosidad. Clips de audio de Dua entre uno y otro en tu teléfono, ya que hay Dua para los muertos, así como para la noche del viernes, los exámenes, la hora de la lluvia y el amanecer, la guía del esposo y la curación de los enfermos. También en el diseño de la aplicación Dua y Adhkar Mashary Al-Afasy de una manera que se adapte a la facilidad de uso, descargue la aplicación Dua y Adhkar Mashary Al-Afasy ahora, y le deseamos un uso exitoso.Le Tout-Puissant a dit dans la Cour de Son Noble Livre : « Invoquez-Moi, Je vous répondrai. Dieu Tout-Puissant a dit la vérité, car Dieu a fait de Dua pour nous une bénédiction de Sa générosité. Des clips audio de Dua entre lun et lautre sur votre téléphone, car il y a Dua pour les morts, ainsi que pour le vendridi soir, les examens, le temps de la pluie et de laube, les conseils du mari et la guérison des malades. Égallement sur la conception de lapplication Dua et Adhkar Mashary Al-Afasy dune manière qui convient à la facilité dutilisation, téléchargez lapplication Dua et Adhkar Mashary Al-Afasy maintenant, et nous vous souietons une